Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween and Farewells at Work

I can only remember a few times when I've been more tired at work than right now, and they were all during grad school when work and school and friends competing for my precious sleeping time.  This week was on par with those days and I have no clue how I used to do it.

Last Year's Halloween
Halloween is one of the only holidays that we can celebrate at our work.  Everything else seems to be tied to a nation or religion that not everyone can buy into, or that offends at least a few people in the office.  But Halloween - I think no one really knows enough about it to be offended, and God knows they have kids.  An afternoon to bring in the kids, get free candy, practice English - they love it.  So the work Halloween party is crazy! (Not like a company Christmas party...more like a school carnival.)  Today at work there were sooo many kids running around on sugar highs and lots of people in costumes.

Rewind a few days.  One of our favorite colleagues is leaving.  This is part of life in the foreign service - everyone moves every 2-4 years so you get to know people just well enough to make the goodbye sad.  The guy who is leaving now is a great guy and awesome co-worker (in my office).  He's been over to our house a bunch of times for dinners and parties and for a few movie nights.  His request for his last night here - dinner and a movie at our place :)  It was a lot of fun (and a huge compliment) - but I was also making 4 cakes for his farewell on Friday.  Wednesday night was cake baking time in our house, and Thursday (after the movie was done and guests left at 1130pm) I started the frosting.  I didn't quite finish so I woke up early this morning to put the final touches on and throw all 4 cakes into boxes.  (Yaawwwnn!  5 hours of sleep was not enough!)

It had to have been one of the best lunches at work!  The guy who is leaving bought pizza for the entire Mission (25 pizzas) and because I was ordering we, of course, had gourmet pizza from the best pizza place in town :)  I enjoyed two pieces of arugula pizza followed by a slice of salted caramel cake!  Correction:  "a slice of the famous Vaca cake!" as the boss told everyone.  I heard from at least 5 people that I should open a store :) (and if our trip to Brazil didn't remind me why I got a degree I might just be working on a business plan!)  It was all very fun, and now (at 445pm) I am ready for bed.